
Men Who Were Greatly Revered Revisited

So during my last semester of college I really jumped on the blogging bandwagon. However, I joined and really began to invest in a site that as I blogged more really began to frustrate me. So this summer I switched my blogging home to this lovely site. Since I've been in a blogging drought, I thought I'd go ahead and re-share a post that got a lot of attention from my previous site. I hope you enjoy, and I promise that I'll post something new in the coming week.

Originally written Feb 9, 2011:
As I sit here with my third cup of Nambarrie tea and the snow continues to amass on my doorstep I ponder what to share with the blogging world on this lovely snowday.
Should it be that this is my third snow day of the year, which is an astounding feat for any college student, but especially for one who attends John Brown University located in NW Arkansas.
Or maybe it is the lovely muffins I made and devoured this morning before my roommate was even out of bed.
Or perhaps my desire to forgo all homework and watch HULU all day long.
(Don't worry Professor Ogle, my reflection paper will get done.)
But all of these seem rather small when I think of the story that I am still astounded by from my mornings devotion. So here I want to tell you of the Greatly Revered Men!
For those who are currently joining me on my journey, I've been working through reading the Bible in 90 days. In the past week I've traveled with the Israelites all the way from Egypt to the promised land. I witnessed every miracle with them and even had some of my own doubt in God's ability. Today, on day 16, we finally entered the promised land... AND CONQUERED!
But something caught my attention near the beginning of the book of Joshua. Something I'd never thought of before. God placed a lot of similarities between Joshua and his mentor Moses, but it works in reverse order.
1) The very first miraculous acts that God does with Joshua is the crossing of the Jordan on dry ground (Joshua 3-4). Um... where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, over 40 years ago Moses lead the people across the Red Sea on dry ground (Exodus 13-14). Moses' crossing miracle came at the beginning of the wilderness and Joshua's came at the end, as they went over to take the land that God has promised their forefathers.
2) After Moses had been called to ministry in Egypt, he has a minor issue of holiness. In Exodus 4, as he is returning to Egypt, his wife Zipporah circumcises him. This is mirrored in the whole Israelite community in Joshua 5. None of the Israelites had been circumcised because this was the generation that was born in the desert. The Lord required them to be holy before going and conquering the nations of the promised land.
(What's also astounding to me about this event was that it happened very quickly after the Israelites crossed over the Jordan. God could have had them complete this act of  "set-apart-ness" on the safe side of the Jordan, but He didn't. The nations were so terrified at the actions of God in the crossing of the Jordan - at FLOOD SEASON no less - that all the people wouldn't go near the Israelite camp, even though they were pretty darn week with ALL of their men recently circumcised. What an awesome trust in God that shows for Israel to follow through on this command.)
3) Lastly, both Moses and Joshua receive direct commands from God. Moses talks to a burning bush (Exodus 3-4) and Joshua meets the commander of the Lord's army. What caught my attention in the similarities of this story is the fact that both men are commanded to remove their sandals because they are standing on holy ground. (Exodus 3:5 and Joshua 5:15)
These men were greatly revered by their followers. I don't think that it is by random chance that God used many of the same signs for this mentor and his successor. I believe that God used these similarities to show Israel that Joshua would lead them just as Moses had. They were signs that Joshua was chosen by God to lead these people to victory in the promised land.
"That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel;
and they revered him all the days of his life,
just as they had revered Moses."
Joshua 4:14
And to conclude, what is the story of Joshua without the story of Jericho.

Hope you all enjoyed... keep looking for how the Spirit is moving in your lives.
Praise the Shepherd!

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