
Loving and (Be)Loved

So I've been a little out of the blog-sphere and I feel like I've got too much to explain - so I'll try this coming week to crank out a few more detailed posts.

But for now, I want to share with you Brennan Manning's postmodern Beatitudes:

You are blessed! God's desire is for you. And Jesus is the incarnation of God's furious longing. He is your supreme Lover. It's true.

You are blessed. Your soul's winter is over. The snows are over and gone. Flowers are blooming inside of you. The season of joyful songs has come. To You.

You are blessed! The love of God is folly. No one is excluded. All (really!) are called to the banquet table. Come, and be filled.

You are blessed! Be-YOU-ti-full. Be you. Just be. Love supports you.

You are blessed! You have learned the purpose of life: LOVE

You are blessed! You can pray like a child, and enjoy God.

You are blessed! Heal, and be healed. Reclaim affirmations for the kingdom of God.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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