At Jericho Road on Sunday's we are currently focusing on values that the Leadership hopes we share as a church body.
Last week Karen Mains talked about HOSPITALITYYesterday Jeff talked about Listening to God.
The Patriarchs listened:
"Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, 'Abraham!' 'Here I am,' he replied."
(Genesis 22:1)
"The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!' Then Samuel said, 'Speak, for your servant is listening.'"
(1 Samuel 3:10)
Jesus listened:
"One of those days Jesus went out to a mountain side to pray, and spent the night praying to God."
(Luke 6:12)
"Jesus answered, 'My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.'"
(John 7:16-17)
The First Church listened:
"Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, 'Go south to the road-the desert road-that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.'"
(Acts 8:26)
"About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. [...] While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, 'Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs . Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.'"
(Acts 10:9,19-20)
I love the Greek word for "said" in this last passage.
λέγω legō
1) to say, to speak
a) affirm over, maintain
b) to teach
c) to exhort, advise, to command, direct
d) to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say
e) to call by name, to call, name
f) to speak out, speak of, mention
He's calling by name, He's exhorting, advising, commanding and directing.
Are you listening for it?
I stink at this - and I've found I'm even worse in public areas
(since I've been doing my dates with God at La Spiaza, the local coffee shop).
But I'm committing to doing it this week.
I'm committed to hearing what God is saying to me.
Will you join me?
Here's how:
1) Grab your Bible, blank journal/paper, 2 different colored pens (use one color to write your prayers and the other to write/draw what comes to mind.)
2) Start off by Adoring God (praising him simply for who he is)
3) Get right with God. Confess what is on your heart. You can do it free verse or find a liturgical prayer
4) Ask God to open your ears and heart to his voice
5) Listen - seriously, sit back, close your eyes if you need to, and just listen. I find it helpful to pull out a verse to meditate on just to help my mind not wander too far - however, sometimes God speaks through those wanderings. This morning I used Psalm 63:1.
6) Draw/Write down what comes to mind. If a specific scripture comes to mind flip open your Bible and read it. Go with your gut.
7) End your time Thanking/Adoring God.
This can seem weird to do on your own at times. It is amazing to do together in a group. Currently a group of about 30 people from my church are meeting once a week and following this basic method. After we listen, we take some time to share with each other what we heard. It is truly amazing how all the images/words are along the same lines. If you are nervous about doing this, find a buddy and see how God rewards your faithfulness together.
I'd also love to hear what God is saying to you.
If you'd like to share just leave a comment!