
I Will Wait

For those of you who have been following my blog you might have picked up on the fact that I'm in a period of waiting in my life...
a transitional period...
a Mundane Mondays (and every other day) type of lifestyle.

A close college friend of mine teaches English to student in China... and I imagine her life to never have a dull moment (though she possibly might argue with me on that fact) She's currently teaching an American Culture class and they recently covered the American Civil Rights movement. After a great experiential example of what segregation and elitism felt like she had them write a letter to America with advice on segregation  She recently posted a few of their responses on her blog. Check them out HERE.

One statement caught my eye though:
" Finally, America is just a young country. You need more time to integrate and be equal."

America is just a young country... 
In the American mind set of "Give it to me now!" and "Faster, Faster, Faster" we think all our problems should blow away in the wind like chaff.

I feel like that right now...
That all my problems should blow away and answers should be immediately found. 

Forget the waiting in line I'd like the Fast Pass please!

But you know what -
I'm still YOUNG!
And there is plenty of waiting ahead of me in my life.
I just need time.

And God knows that.
Check out what his scripture says in Psalm 37
especially vs. 7

REST IN the Lord and WAIT patiently for him
that's a COMMAND my friends.
So I guess that's where I've got to be right now.
Resting in the Lord 
while sitting in the difficult balance of waiting and going

If you haven't already heard it, Mumford & Sons came out with a song that speaks directly to my heart.
Take a listen below and then check back on Monday for the start of my newest series.

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