
I am LeaderTreks.

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  

Well team, it begins. In less than 24 hours I will be hosting 30 8th graders and their 3 leaders.
I'll be facilitating a safe space for these students to grow, succeed and fail.
I'll be walking along with youth pastors as they challenge their students themselves.
I'll also be facilitating a safe space for my interns to grow, succeed and fail.I am LeaderTreks.

The Value Of Risk Taking


The Unspoken Topic

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  

I've been mulling this leadership principle over and over in my head and avoiding it like... well, 

And the problem is that every example from confronting conflict that I've done in the past 9 months - I don't necessarily want to broadcast it out into the world wide web.

Because it's not just about me. It's about me and another person.

So how do I talk about it then?
 - it happens. You have to deal with conflict, because you have to deal with people.

But How?

Conflict Resolution


Fearless Trust

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  


Noun: The center of interest or activity.

Noun: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Focus Precedes Success