Something I've never done
Something else to break the Mundane of not only my Mondays
But my Fridays as well.
One of my favorite bloggers does this because one of her favorite bloggers.
A topic is picked,then you set a timer for 5 minutes
and just write,
no editing
just whatever comes, comes.
So here goes nothing.
Today's topic is
Ironic for me since I'm about to travel all the way back down to OKC in the next two days
but in the midst of travel and go
I feel that stay is important too
This word reminds me of a feeling I get sometimes
When I know I'm about to step into something that's bigger than me
Something that's really hard
Something that is uncomfortable.
I used to get this feeling in college in chapel, when something was falling apart in my life outside the walls of the cathedral and I knew that whatever was going to be said (or sung) in that hour time was actually going to challenge and benefit me, but I just wanted to run away.I had to make the conscious decision to STAY
STAYing meant listening
STAYing meant fighting
STAYing meant depth
And I never regretted it.
So here I am again, in a life situation that is difficult, challenging and hard - and I want to run and move on to something easier, something "better"
but I'm choosing to STAY
choosing to fight
choosing to listen
choosing the path that God has for me.
"Be still and know that I am God."
I've got a 9 hour car ride tomorrow and another 4 on Sunday -
All by myself
Some great time to STAY and listen
The question is will I choose to actually listen?
Lord, help me to stay. Help me to listen. Help me to choose your plan and wisdom over my own despite the depth, challenge and sacrifice.
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