
(BE) Church :: God of Restoration

With a new house that I could actually make my OWN HOME
has come MANY hopes and dreams of things I want to have and DIY projects.

One of those was fresh herbs that I could pick and cook with..
but these things cost money... until you find friends with bountiful gardens who are willing to share a shoot or two.

So with 3 gifted plants
rosemary, mint & basil.
3 gifted pots 
and a new bag of soil
I prepared to have my own herbs to take care for my new home.

However, it took me a couple days to pot my new dear plants...
and I didn't pay attention to them well enough...

and I killed the poor mint. : (

But in some sad hope I went ahead and planted the poor dead thing.

But upon planting him, I gave up hope because he looked so dead.
And out of laziness I left the poor guy in his pot and just watered his flowering green friends!

The other week I was out admiring and giving the big green guys some love
 and  much needed water in this Chicago heat wave,

what did a find?
a small GREEN shoot of HOPE out of the brown dead stump.

I hadn't watered him AT ALL.
He'd been in that dirt for a month with only God's provision of rain.
And here is is GROWING!!


I'm in LOVE with my mint plant 
and can't wait for him to grow large enough that I can use him in my kitchen.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
If you need to hear a good message on Ridiculous Restoration check out LifeChurch Online this week and Craig Groshel's final message in his series on Elisha and Ridiculous Faith!

What have you seen God redeem this week?

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