
The Invitation

For forty days I'm deliberately choosing to find joy. To start from the beginning, start here.

Day 12

We spend a lot of time waiting on invitations. As a young child the birthday party is THE party. We were so excited when we finally received he invitation to your best friend's birthday party (and it was a slumber party... awesome!) People join sororities and fraternities just so they can be invited to the IT parties at college. After college we cannot wait to get the invite to your friend's wedding - we even give pre-invites for these things.
We wait and expect and are disappointed on some level if we get left off the invite list.

I mentioned a couple days ago that I started work this week. In one of our training sessions (you'll hear a lot about this in the future as I have 14 more weeks of training in my future) the president of LeaderTreks, Doug Franklin was talking to us about connecting the students to the trip. One thing he said really stuck with me. 

"God does not need you here to accomplish his work, He has invited you to come see and be a part of the work that He is accomplishing."

It is not just the students who come on a LeaderTreks mission trip who are given this invitation. I am given this invitation each day that I go into work. I find so much joy that I got the invite. I don't have to be disappointed that I got left off the list, because I didn't. Wow! How joyful I am that I made that list. 

I want to pass that joy along too. Your invited! God offers you the chance today to see the amazing work that He is accomplishing around you. I want you do know that you don't have to go work in a ministry position and ask people to support you in order to be given this invitation. Each person who has a personal relationship is offered this invite each and every moment of EVERY day. 

I'm JOYFULLY saying 

Will you?

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