
To Serve Rather Than Be Served

From now until Christmas I'm memorizing 12 scriptures that point to the glory of the season. Jesus Christ. To start from the beginning click here.
"12 Days of Christmas Scripture Memory"

Day 11: Matthew 20:28
"Even the Son of Man came not to be served
but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom
for the many."
I had another verse picked out, but as I was catching up with one of my favorite bloggers, her verse of focus caught my attention a little bit more than what I had originally picked.

I've got about 26 more hours of "work" before I am officially off for Christmas Break. A blessed week that LeaderTreks has given me that I am able to relax and spend with my family. I had purchased plane tickets all the way back at the beginning of November to make sure that I got this time with my family in CO. I also had plans to make a special trip from Vail to Colorado Springs to witness some college friends tie the knot and party the night away with old friends. I had planned to get at least 3 great days on the slopes enjoying the snow (which has not made any spectacular appearance in Chicago yet)

But guess what each of these things do... they serve ME!
And just last night God ran that little train off the tracks. My mom has been battling a second bout of skin cancer and has had two surgery this month, thus making her unable to travel. So all my pretty little plans that I've been making that have been serving my desires were chucked out the window.

And Becky's post reminded me how selfish I have been lately. As the plans are still up in the air, the question I'll be asking myself is what plans serve others more?
What plans will serve my mom best? Give her the most rest? Show her I love her the most?
What plans serve my dad best? Encourage him the most as he walks with my mom through this?
What plans serve my brothers the most? Are most beneficial to their traveling time? Are uplifting for their families?
What plans concerning my friend's wedding will bless them the most? Who else (besides the bride and groom) can I serve if God allows me to attend this wedding?

In the next 72 hours, plans will be made.
My goal, to see who I can serve.
To truly set myself aside

To follow my Savior's example that celebrates Him 
in a season that is supposed to be focused on Him.

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