
The Art Of Standards

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  

World English Dictionary
champion  (ˈtʃæmpɪən) 
— n
1.a. a person who has defeated all others in a competition: achess champion
 b. ( as modifier ): a champion team
2.a. a plant or animal that wins first place in a show, etc
 b. ( as modifier ): a champion marrow
3.a person who defends a person or cause: champion of theunderprivileged
4.(formerly) a warrior or knight who did battle for another, esp aking or queen, to defend their rights or honour
— adj
5.dialect  ( Northern English first rate; excellent
— adv
6.dialect  ( Northern English very well; excellently
— vb
7.to support; defend: we champion the cause of liberty
[C13: from Old French, from Late Latin campiō,  from Latincampus  field, battlefield]

Never Underestimate a Champion

This definition defines what a champion is (noun),
or the characteristics of a champion
or how someone simply acts it out
but it does not say who is a champion...
or who can become a champion.

Too often we look at our fellow humans and under cut their ability - 
I did this a lot in college on group projects - when I wouldn't share the work load because it was easier to do the work myself, rather than see my co-workers as champions. 

But what if I were to correctly estimate everyone around me as a champion?
Estimate everyone as capable of doing a task with me?
Estimate everyone as more capable than I am?

Meet Julie

We served together on four weeks of mission trips this past spring
(From New York to Memphis to Dominican Republic)
And this summer when I head off to Dayton, OH
This lucky girl is heading back to the Dominican Republic
and then on to Hondonrus

Where she will be driving students around
in a standard transmission car!

Only one problem...
Julie didn't* know how to drive a standard.
*Notice how I said "Didn't"

I've been driving standard for 8 years
(& love it!)

So last Saturday, Julie learned how to drive my car.
What a champion. 

Things I love about this:
1) Our bosses didn't underestimate Julie and not place her in overseas simply because she couldn't drive standard
2) I didn't underestimate Julie and not desire to teach her
3) She's a CHAMPION - fastest learner I've ever seen.
with a little more practice she'll be zipping around foreign countries like a pro

This whole summer I need to have my champion glasses on and see everyone I work with as the champion that God is shaping them to be - and my week or summer with this is a part of that process.

So who in your life are you underestimating?
Who in your life do you need to start seeing as a Champion?

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