
Crock Pot Thursdays

SEVERAL months ago I wrote about my deep deep affection for Crock Pots.

And with the return to the office this past September I decided to bring back

but now they actually fall on
(worked better for more of the staff)

And last week I was discussing recipes with a dear sweet college friend and she desired to have some of the great recipes I've been trying over the past two months through this weekly tradition. So I told her I'd email her the recipes. However, today as we chowed down on another delectable treat from the Crock, I thought why not share these recipes with my devoted readers here at Attraversiamo.

So welcome to THURSDAYS
won't you cross over with me to some hopefully delicious slow cooked meals!

This week:
Easy Crock Pot Salsa Chicken
recipe found on food.com by erinBOberrin

Prep Time: 2 min
Total Time: 8 hours 2 min
Servings: 10

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 2 1/2 lbs)
32 ounces salsa
(we used a conglomerate of mild, medium and hot salsa)
2 cans corn, drained
1 can black beans, drained

1) Place ingredients in crock pot
2) Cook on low 6-8 hours - since we do this for lunch I put my crock pot on high for about 3 1/2 to 4 hours and it came out perfect!
3) Prior to serving (anywhere from 30 minutes to right before) remove chicken, shred and return to crock pot
4) To serve, get creative!
Today we made tacos with tortillas, sour cream, guacamole  lettuce, & cheese. You can also see by the picture that my second round ended up more like nachos, also delicious! My friend Grace made a salad option out of it with the tortilla on the side. The sky's the limit my friends.

My co-worker Robbie claimed this was his favorite so far - not a unanimous decision around the office for those of us who partook in the FABULOUS chicken a couple weeks ago (I'll share that recipe sometime soon), but still a WINNER!

Hope you enjoy, and if you've got any smash hits coming out of your slow cooker feel free to share the recipes!


Memorizing Monday's

Okay, so I'm a date late, but Monday's can actually be busy sometimes,

This post is part of a series called
Mundane Mondays
To see how I started the series click HERE.
... especially when your office goes all out with the CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!

 (another way that the days are becoming less MUNDANE)

If you've been keeping up with my Mundane Monday's, then you know that one thing that's been a continuous thread over the past month and a half is scripture memory. I've been trying hard to commit to memory different scriptures to help me through some of the slower points of faith. 

So not only have I been working on it when I stock books,
and write encouraging letters

But  I also just keep it at the fore-front of my mind around my office spaces

Must be something I got from my mother
because while I was home over Thanksgiving Week
I noticed her memory verse cards posted around the house.

And my friend Beth is working hard to sharpen her SWORD too!

So what verses have been on your hearts and mind recently?



So I'm gonna try something new
Something I've never done
Something else to break the Mundane of not only my Mondays
But my Fridays as well.

One of my favorite bloggers does this because one of her favorite bloggers.
A topic is picked,
then you set a timer for 5 minutes 
and just write,
no editing
just whatever comes, comes.

So here goes nothing.
Today's topic is 

Ironic for me since I'm about to travel all the way back down to OKC in the next two days
but in the midst of travel and go
I feel that stay is important too
This word reminds me of a feeling I get sometimes
When I know I'm about to step into something that's bigger than me
Something that's really hard
Something that is uncomfortable.
I used to get this feeling in college in chapel, when something was falling apart in my life outside the walls of the cathedral and I knew that whatever was going to be said (or sung) in that hour time was actually going to challenge and benefit me, but I just wanted to run away.
I had to make the conscious decision to STAY
STAYing meant listening
STAYing meant fighting
STAYing meant depth

And I never regretted it.

So here I am again, in a life situation that is difficult, challenging and hard - and I want to run and move on to something easier, something "better"

but I'm choosing to STAY
choosing to fight
choosing to listen
choosing the path that God has for me.

"Be still and know that I am God."

I've got a 9 hour car ride tomorrow and another 4 on Sunday -
All by myself
Some great time to STAY and listen
The question is will I choose to actually listen?

Lord, help me to stay. Help me to listen. Help me to choose your plan and wisdom over my own despite the depth, challenge and sacrifice


Breaking Mondays of their Mundane

This post is part of a series called
Mundane Mondays
To see how I started the series click HERE.

Sometimes I can feel like I'm the only one who feels like things are MUNDANE.
Like I'm alone in my experiences
or the way I feel about everyday life.

But some 89 cent post-Halloween candy reminded me that I've got communityA community who possibly 
feels the same way I do
And I can break my own MUNDANE 
while ENCOURAGING them to break theirs as well.

Remember that verse I was memorizing to break the habit of stocking books?
Well I'm still working on it, so I decided to continue the memorization process
and share it with all of my co-workers in their encouragement letters

Using colorful pens always makes things less MUNDANE
and reminds me to pray for the sweet friend who gave them to me for my birthday this year

Using left-over resources from Christmas cards last year.
It may not have snowed up here yet this year, but festive paper is always better.

And where would I be without my cup of tea
(erm... or 4th cup.. ha ha)

Candy Packaged.
Notes Written.
Stashed on everyone's computer board.
Hope this helps
Breaking Mundane

In addition - 
A little nugget (or seed - thanks Becky)
from God's Word this morning:

Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them."


Prayer Packed

This post is part of a series called
Mundane Mondays
To see how I started the series click HERE.

Last week I shared with you all the UNpacking process
This week I want to share with you my PACKING PROCESS.

I'm in charge of fulfilling curriculum orders that come in for both LeaderTreks and DNOWOnline.

serving STUDENTS 
with NEEDS visit those websites 
and pay money 
to receive all the curriculum 
that I share an office with every day.

First step to making this MUNDANE TASK part of my spiritual training is to never forget these facts:


Second is the realize the power of getting the material to people in a timely fashion and in great condition
It's called
and sadly even the smallest things take people by surprise these days because of the lack of it in the business world - and I get to be one of the people to 
 by the simple acts of quick and good packaging.

 Thirdly, I should
forget the power of
So I'm committing to pray by name for every church and person who orders curriculum. As I package it up, the most simple prayer is sent heaven-ward in faith that God will use it.

"Lord, May (insert youth pastor) use this curriculum with your will in mind. May the students of (insert church name) be impacted by the truth in this curriculum."

So out they go, EVERYDAY
our prayer packed packages!

What are you simple prayers have you been faithfully saying everyday?