
Living Your Story

Good morning dear dedicated readers,

(all 7 followers now ;D)
As I sit here steeping my 2nd cup of tea

(having instant hot water in the office may or may not help me in my tea addiction)
I reflect on God's message to me yesterday.
(I must confess though that it did not come from church, because I am a skipper... but for good reasons! To help THIS beautiful lady get engaged)
I did however, go to see Donald Miller speak at Wheaton College.
And this is what he talked about:

Living A Story Worth Telling
Main Points:
A story is a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it.
How to make your life a good story:
1) Want Something & Go after it -
God is not a micro-manger, he has given you choices, he has given you passions, go out & act on those passions for God's glory. "God bonds in the doing!"
2) Expect & Engage Conflict -
God uses conflict in your life to grow you (James 1), If you just seek comfort in your life you won't have a story worth telling. Conflict is necessary for growth and climax.
3) Envision your climatic scenes -
Let us not live in reaction, you should be able to edit on the fly and think about your larger narrative.
**Note - these climatic scenes are not your greatest moment, they are simply way points to your true fulfillment which is reunion with Christ after death. 

Questions to Ponder:
1) What do you want?
2) What conflict do you need to engage?
3) What are the climatic scenes you envision for this life?
4) Am I seeking to be a sub plot of Christ's larger story? Do I see my reunion with Christ as the hope that does not disappoint (Rom 8)?

May you continue to ponder
Till Next Week...

1 comment:

  1. I love Donald Miller! I have heard him give a similar talk! SO so good and challenging! -Becky :)
