

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  


I don't know if you have heard of the new social website craze yet or not...

But it has given me so many ideas of ways to be creative and innovative.
Here's a couple of the projects I've done in the past couple of months since I've been a member of the site.

My Dry Erase Calendar: Using a frame with glass, cute scrapbooking paper, and free paint chips from WalMart I've got a cute calendar I can use to help organize my crazy office life. Thanks to Abby for setting me up with all the supplies I needed for this project. BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!

Grateful Journal: Saw this idea and loved it! My grandmother ended up having a 2012 pocket planner that she didn't need. It wasn't that cute, so I used some of the paint chips and paper from the calendar project and viola! I have my daily grateful journal. I'll share next Tuesday some of the things I've been grateful for from this first month of 2012.
Pretzel Rolls: I love soft pretzels! So when I saw this idea on Pinterest I knew I had to try it. It wasn't even that difficult. Only about 2 hours of rising time and I had delicious hot pretzel rolls to enjoy!

Waffled Scones: Or "The Lazy Man's Baked Goods" First saw this idea with refrigerated cinnamon rolls. All you do is put them in a waffle iron to bake for 3-4 minutes. My friend Julie and I tried it... delicious! So walking past the refrigerated dough aisle I spotted scones. Hm... never seen that before. So I bought it and tried the same idea as the cinnamon rolls. Works perfectly! Looks slightly weird, but I don't have to worry about burning my tasty breakfast by using the crappy oven at work.
Neutella Cookies: Who doesn't love Neutella... and in cookie form? Delicious! They were kind of flat, but still so yummy!

"Know Me Gifts": I was planning to attend a college friend's wedding over my Christmas break which gave me the perfect opportunity to try this creative idea out. Transfer a picture to a piece of wood. All you use is the picture on regular printer paper, a gel medium to transfer it, water to rub the paper off and mod podge to seal it. Super easy and gave me a great "Know Me Gift" I used three of their engagement photos transferred onto beautiful oak wood.

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