
Sick with Adventure

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  


Well Ladies and Gents,
I'm back from my first GRAND ADVENTURE
And Ellie was my inspiration all the way.
"Adventure is Out There!"

There were many points of adventure,
              to name a few:
Driving 15 hours from Chicago to Long Island, New York (both ways)
Going to an NHL hockey game (GO ISLANDERS!)
Eating fresh fish - Can't pass up seafood so close to the Atlantic
Having 18 students ranging from 7th-12th grade
           with diverse personalities and passions and hearts

Pulling up 3 layers of sticker tile to put down 1 beautiful new layer
Cleaning out rotting fish from an old freezer
Working through team conflict
Finding my "New York twin" (personality wise)
Challenging students
Climbing 196 steps to the top of a light house
Enjoying fresh deli sandwiches and New York Style pizza
      I think I'd move to New York just for the food!

Driving west with the New York skyline out my window
Leaving with a hope to return to the Big Apple and visit new friendships that I formed so quickly in a week.

Why then, you ask, is this post titled "Sick with Adventure"

Because God has placed the adventures in my life where I am responsible to spread His truth.

"Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." James 3:1

Every time this past week I got into a conversation with a student and was teaching them about a leadership principle or a core value I got butterflies.
And team time... woah!
More than just butterflies I felt physically sick.
            I felt clammy and cold.
            If I had held my hands out the students would have seen how badly they shook.
I don't want to presume to be a teacher... but for some reason God has placed me in that role. I could have chosen to turn away, to leave it up to someone else. But I didn't. I pushed through my physical feelings and prayed all the harder that my words would not be mine own - that my mouth would proclaim God's truth into these student's lives.

This morning in Life Session we read Hebrew 12 and I was caught by this verse.
"Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith." v. 7
God brought to mind all of the LT staff who impacted my life, all my mentors, pastors, small group leaders and my parents. They have all spoken the word of God to me and the outcome of their way of life was a transformed person bought in to glorifying God - ME!

So when I say,

"Adventure is out there!"
I mean that I'm like Carl, infatuated with my Ellie (God) who so easily invites me into His adventure. I'll promise Him anything if it means I can come along with what He has planned. Sick Feelings and ALL, and my prayer is that even with just one week in a student's life I might be able to impact them like I was impacted -
offering a chance to join the adventure with God

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