
A Excellent Confession

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here  

I'm currently reading a book called Unfriend Yourself. The author looks at some of the benefits and dangers that our social media provide us. One of the promises he warns against is that our social networking says it is okay to "make it all about you." Not only that, but that you should present the best "possible" you.  He writes:

"When I log on to Facebook, I find that I want to put my best foot forward; as a result, I find myself bending the truth and skirting circumstance, ever so slightly to offer my "friends" the best part of myself, the part of me that is the coolest, the funniest. I announce to others something good about me with the goal of getting others to think a certain way about me."
I don't want this blog to be simply that - my best foot forward. I want it to be a true reflection of myself. The Lord's Beloved Child who is seeking the righteousness that God gives. However, this implies that I am a flawed human being. I've shared a couple times my flawed self.

This is one of those posts.


I completely agree with this value in thought...

and as Doug shared yesterday I see how I can live it out on trips.

But I must confess
I have trouble living it out daily in the office.

All throughout the fall and continuing this spring we've had sessions in which we have been taught information about the company and about our roles and the job that is to come as commanding trip leader this summer.
But I have not excellently reviewed this information. I've diligently collected it, and organized it, but when it comes to actually reviewing and studying and knowing it... 
I have not done an excellent job.

So today I leave you with a prayer request:
Please pray that I learn how to apply this value in my everyday life.
Pray that I have a clear evaluation of what I am giving my all, 

my excellent effort, and what I am not.
and pray that I begin to form a plan on how to begin to give excellent effort 
to the areas that I have only been giving mediocre attention.

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