For forty days I'm deliberately choosing to find joy. To start from the beginning, click here
Day 31
- gladsom, cheerful, literally means well-minded
- joy, joyfulness, gladness (Acts 2:28; 14:17; Esther 9:18,19; Ps 4:8)
"Yet he has not left himself withut testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." Acts 14:17
This is the type of joy that I can live day in and day out. The past two words of joy (here & here) have been more special occasion joys. Something you feel with strong enjoyment. Euphrosune, gladsome & cheerful, is how I felt all day long.
I woke up this morning to the sound of rain pattering against my window. Giving me a glad heart to snuggle under the covers for another 30 minutes as I finished reading the book of Exodus.
I cheerfully scarfed down a pumpkin scone and chai tea latte (have i mentioned how happy I am that is is fall :D) at Starbucks on my way to church running into two of my co-workers before church.
At church my heart was filled with joy as we not only sat in our chairs and heard about the power/importance of prayer but took to the neighborhood and prayer walked. I simply could not wipe the smile of joy from my face.
Upon returning to our "sanctuary" (we meet in the gym of a local elementary school) we came together again to take communion. One of my favorite things about this church is that the children are with us for most of the service. With joyfulness I watched a precious four year old girl follow the example of the congregation and move forward to tear a piece of bread off and dip it in the juice.
By 12:30 God had filled my heart with such joy that even as I poured it out over my friends this afternoon and evening I still feel the warmth of it resonate in my soul as I reflect over today.
How content of a feeling this joy is, one that does not lose energy, but rather fills you to the brim so that you fall asleep with a small content smile on your face.
I sure do hope and pray that you have this joy!
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