
Community Charting

"Living Out LeaderTreks"  - A series on the core values and leadership principles of LeaderTreks. I'll share how they are lived out in the company and in my own life.  To start from the beginning click here 

The month of may at LeaderTreks is a month of preparation:

we're calling youth pastors,

contacting interns,
talking with missionary partners,
organizing, cleaning, planning, studying...
and the list goes on

There are a lot of things that we prep in the office that really help us in June when we are on a site by ourselves being LeaderTreks.

A couple years ago, one of the staff members decided prepping our fitness would be beneficial. Therefore, he started 

Chart the Course

An important leadership principle we teach our students is to chart the course.
Make a path for where you plan on going.

So this year for May Fitness month, that's what we did.

(Thank you to Google Shared Docs for help in charting the course)

The Rules: 
The rules are outlined and everyone in the office has a spot on the spreadsheet.
how we can keep ourselves and each other accountable to keeping up with our goals.

My Goals:

Course Charted Folks...

It starts tomorrow!

May 11th-June 5th

(yes, we realize we're a little late in the game, but we're starting and that's what counts right?)

So what needs charting in your life this month?
And what's the best way to chart it?

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